martial arts videos jujitsu judo karate world wide international Company: Jiu Joe Jitsu
Tape Name: Video # 5 (Pressure Points & Submission Holds)
Length of Tape/Time: 1 hr. 15 minutes
Number of Moves/Techniques: Too many to count!
Return Policy: Defective merchandise only
Experiences in dealing with this company: Good
The Instructor: Joseph Saladino

Primary Grading Criteria:

1. Production/Tape Quality: 8
2. Instructors demonstrated skill level: 10
3. Comprehension Score/Immediate Understanding: 9
4. Degree to which this will make someone a better Martial Artist: 10
5. Score on delivery vs. hype: 10
6. Degree to which we'd recommend this product: 10
7. Wasted Time (The higher the number, the less "fluff"/repetition): 9
8. Playback Score/Watching it over-and-over again: 10
9. Would I purchase more of this company's products: 10
10. Overall grade based on cost vs. value: 10

Grand Total: 96%

Secondary Grading Criteria:

1. Beginners benefit: Excellent
2. Intermediate benefit: Excellent
3. Advanced benefit: Excellent
4. Time to benefit: Immediate
5. The need to buy additional tapes to understand this one: None !

Written Summary:

Pressure points and submission holds! An often forgot about effective combination for street self defense, and once again, Joe shows his versatility, by combining, and demonstrating the two, extremely well. With lots of folks focused nowdays on submissions and their legal counters, (from a sport aspect), few seem to show, or give us a glimpse, on the street effective sneaky little tricks, through the use of pressure points, to counter these.

In the previous review, Tape # 2, we we're blown away by Joe's ability to effectively combine strikes, kicks, and jujitsu. However in this video Joe intentionally sets most of the striking and kicking aside. He constantly emphasizes that in this video we're going to try not to inflict as much injury, and focus on mainly controlling the opponent, and getting him to submit. Joe does occassionally tell the viewer here-and-there, that one might need to "soften up" a stronger opponent with a strike, if a technique doesn't immediately work. And if one has the previous video we reviewed (Tape # 2), they'll have 2 great videos that will give them a ton of ideas on how to do incorporate stiking, kicking, submissions/come-a-longs, and pressure points.

This video starts out with Mr. Saladino showing about 40 different pressure points up and down the body, and then he goes into incorporating the use of these, with submissions, in different self defense scenarios. The tape is broken down into the following sections:

1. Pressure Points (about 40)
2. Choke Holds
3. Wrist Escapes
4. Bear Hug
5. Head Locks
6. Ground Techniques
7. Come-A-Longs

Way to go Joe, another well done video !

Video Review 2

Video Review 3

Video Review 4



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